Carnica Institute
In 2017, Zavod Carnica transformed from an art hub into a regional hub for non-governmental organizations and individuals operating in the cultural and creative sectors, civil society, environment, and public space. As the initiator of Kranj with Gorenjska‘s bid to obtain the title of European Capital of Culture, the institute became a connector of stakeholders in the Gorenjska region, conducting activities such as information dissemination, advising, education, research, advocacy, networking, promotion, and support for individuals, associations, and institutions. Carnica carries out the tasks of a network of non-governmental organizations and develops programs that strengthen the sector in the Gorenjska region.
Since 2010, Carnica has been managing the Layer House, a cultural center in the city of Kranj, Slovenia, and since 2019 it manages the Pungert Tower, children cultural center in the Old Town. With Public Institute Prešeren Theatre Kranj Carnica co-manages the programme of the Škrlovec Tower. Carnica has 8 employees and more than 20 external collaborators.
The Carnica Institute initiates urban changes in the city of Kranj and its Old Town, as well as cooperates in several cultural, civil and urban renewal projects. Carnica is a producer of many art and music projects and festivals:
> Textile Art Biennial BIEN
> Contemporary Collage Festival KAOS
> Piano Music Festival Pianopolis
> Musicians-in-Residence Cycle Dvocikel
> Artists-in Residence Layer
> Art Exhibitions Program
> Layer Publishing and Writers-in-Residence
> and all those little events happening when you are around just by chance sipping your coffee or beer. Interested in more?
Carnica Institute strives for social and environmental responsibility and justice. We offer our clients full design production of events including the plant-based catering. Our food department hears by the name veni Vegi vici.
Carnica Institute has been in the past or still is today cooperating with several cultural, educational and social institutions and companies:
Prešeren Theatre Kranj, Fine Art Society Kranj, Open Drawers, SubArt Association, Gallery of Prešeren Laureats, PianoRoom, BSC Kranj, Center for Rural Development Kranj, O Institute, Krice Krace, Cultural Association Figura, Kèleke shop, Architectural association KRARH, TAM-TAM Institute, Gorenjska Museum, Tourism and Culture Board Kranj, Cabinet of the inventor Puhar, Kovačnica coworking center Kranj, Moonlee Records, Gallery P74, Puppet Theatre Ljubljana, Flamma Art Studio, Tri Institute, Independent theatre Nebo, Intermunicipal Society of the Blind and Visually Impaired Kranj, Intermunicipal Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing from the Gorenjska Region, Cultural Association Kiks, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering – Textile and fashion design, Faculty of Design, ALUO Sculpture Department, VIST Photography Department, University of Nova Gorica, GO2025! EU Capital of Culture 2025, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Kreativnice Škofja Loka, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Radio Kranj, Gorenjski Glas, Municipality of Kranj and
with many self-employed and unemployed artists and cultural workers.
And with YOU.
Together with partners, artists and cultural workers Carnica envisions an international cultural hub, an artist community. Carnica has developed a sustainable and repeatable business model for managing cultural heritage sites, the fact acknowledged by a research conducted within the Interreg project Forget Heritage (2016-2019).
We hear and give initiatives.
We welcome art and nurture public space.
We care for humans and non-humans.
Selman Čorović
general manager
Zala Orel
art director
Photographs / Fotografije: Maša Pirc, Ksaver Šinkar, Taja Košir Popovič, Uroš Frelih, Janez Pelko
Zavod Carnica
Zavod Carnica se je v letu 2017 iz umetniškega stičišča (art hub) preobrazila v regijsko točko za nevladne organizacije in posameznike delujoče v kulturnem in kreativnem sektorju, civilni družbi, okolju in javnem prostoru. Kot pobudnik prijave Kranja z Gorenjsko za pridobitev naziva Evropske prestolnice kulture je zavod postal povezovalec akterjev v gorenjski regiji ter izvajalec dejavnosti informiranja, svetovanja, izobraževanja, raziskovanja, zagovorništva, mreženja, promocije in podpore posameznikom, društvom in zavodom. Carnica opravlja naloge mreže nevladnih organizacij in razvija programe, ki krepijo sektor na Gorenjskem.
Od leta 2010 Carnica upravlja z Layerjevo hišo, kulturnim centrom v Kranju, od leta 2019 upravlja otroški kulturni center Stolp Pungert in že več let soupravlja Stolp Škrlovec s Prešernovim gledališčem Kranj. Carnica ima 8 zaposlenih in več kot 20 stalnih zunanjih sodelavcev.
Zavod Carnica sproža urbane spremembe v Kranju in njegovem starem mestnem jedru ter sodeluje v številnimih kulturnih, civilnih in urbanih projekti prenove. Carnica je producent umetniških in glasbenih projektov in festivalov:
> BIEN, bienale tekstilne umetnosti
> KAOS, festival sodobnega kolaža
> Pianopolis, koncert za mesto in klavir
> Dvocikel, cikel glasbenih rezidenc
> Umetniške rezidence Layer
> Umetniški razstavni program
> Layerjeva založba in literarne rezidence
> in dogodkov manjšega obsega, ki jih ob srkanju kave ali piva ujemete slučajno. Vas zanima več?
Zavod Carnica stremi k družbeni in okoljski odgovornosti in pravičnosti. Naročnikom nudimo celostno organizacijo dogodkov, ki med drugim zajema tudi oskrbo z rastlinsko hrano in pijačo. Prehranski odvod zavoda je kuhinja veni Vegi vici.
Carnica je ali še vedno sodeluje z različnimi kulturnimi, izobraževalnimi in socialnimi ustanovami ter podjetji:
Prešernovo gledališče Kranj, Likovno društvo Kranj, Odprti predali, Društvo SubArt, Galerija prešernovih nagrajencev, PianoRoom, BSC Kranj, Center za razvoj podeželja Kranj, Zavod O, Krice Krace, KD Figura, trgovina Kèleke, KRARH Arhitekti, TAM-TAM Inštitut, Gorenjski muzej, Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj, Kabinet izumitelja Puharja, Kovačnica, Založba Moonlee, Galerija P74, Lutkovno gledališča Ljubljana, Flamma Art Studio, Zavod Tri, Gledališče Nebo, Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Gorenjske, Medobčinsko društvo gluhih in naglušnih Gorenjske, KUD Kiks, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstil in oblačila, Fakulteta za dizajn, ALUO, oddelek za kiparstvo, VIST Fotografija, Univerza v Novi Gorici, GO2025! Evropska prestolnica kulture 2025, Zavod za varstvo narave RS, Kreativnice Škofja Loka, Zavod za gradbeništvo RS, Radio Kranj, Gorenjski Glas, Mestna občina Kranj in
s številnimi samozaposleni in nezaposleni umetniki_cami in kulturnimi delavci_kami.
In z VAMI.
Carnica skupaj s partnerji, umetniki in kulturnimi delavci sooblikuje mednarodno kulturno središče in umetniško skupnost. Razvila je trajnostni in ponovljivi poslovni model za upravljanje območij kulturne dediščine, kar je priznala tudi raziskava, izvedena v okviru Interreg projekta Forget Heritage (2016-2019).
Slišimo in dajemo iniciative.
Pozdravljamo umetnost in negujemo javni prostor.
Skrbimo za človeška in nečloveška bitja.
Selman Čorović
Zala Orel
umetniška vodja
Photographs / Fotografije: Maša Pirc, Ksaver Šinkar, Taja Košir Popovič, Uroš Frelih, Janez Pelko
Carnica Institute
Carnica Institute is a cultural non-governmental organisation based in Kranj, Slovenia. Since it was established in 2010, the main activities of the Carnica Institute have been managing cultural public infrastructure, managing and organizing cultural and social events, activities and campaigns, implementing the connections and collaborations between communities, cultural operators and local government, and developing and implementing cultural strategies. The activities of Carnica Institute are supported by European, national and local cultural funds.
In 2017, Zavod Carnica transformed from an art hub into a regional hub for non-governmental organizations and individuals operating in the cultural and creative sectors, civil society, environment, and public space. As the initiator of Kranj with Gorenjska‘s bid to obtain the title of European Capital of Culture, the institute became a connector of stakeholders in the Gorenjska region, conducting activities such as information dissemination, advising, education, research, advocacy, networking, promotion, and support for individuals, associations, and institutions. Carnica carries out the tasks of a network of non-governmental organizations and develops programs that strengthen the sector in the Gorenjska region.
Zavod Carnica
Zavod Carnica je kulturna nevladna organizacija s sedežem v Kranju. Od ustanovitve leta 2010 so glavne dejavnosti zavoda upravljanje javne kulturne infrastrukture, upravljanje in organizacija kulturnih in družabnih dogodkov, dejavnosti in kampanj, izvajanje povezav in sodelovanj med skupnostmi, kulturnimi izvajalci in lokalno upravo ter razvoj in izvajanje kulturnih strategij. Dejavnosti Zavoda Carnica podpirajo evropski, nacionalni in lokalni kulturni programi.
Zavod Carnica se je v letu 2017 iz umetniškega stičišča (art hub) preobrazila v regijsko točko za nevladne organizacije in posameznike delujoče v kulturnem in kreativnem sektorju, civilni družbi, okolju in javnem prostoru. Kot pobudnik prijave Kranja z Gorenjsko za pridobitev naziva Evropske prestolnice kulture je zavod postal povezovalec akterjev v gorenjski regiji ter izvajalec dejavnosti informiranja, svetovanja, izobraževanja, raziskovanja, zagovorništva, mreženja, promocije in podpore posameznikom, društvom in zavodom. Carnica opravlja naloge mreže nevladnih organizacij in razvija programe, ki krepijo sektor na Gorenjskem.
Since 2010, Carnica has been managing the Layer House, a cultural center in the city of Kranj, Slovenia, and since 2019 it manages the Pungert Tower, children cultural center in the Old Town. With Public Institute Prešeren Theatre Kranj Carnica co-manages the programme of the Škrlovec Tower. Carnica has 8 employees and more than 20 external collaborators.
The Carnica Institute initiates urban changes in the city of Kranj and its Old Town, as well as cooperates in several cultural, civil and urban renewal projects. Thanks to the efforts of Carnica, Kranj has become a city of art festivals. Carnica is a producer of many art and music projects and festivals:
> Textile Art Biennial BIEN
> Contemporary Collage Festival KAOS
> Piano Music Festival Pianopolis
> Musicians-in-Residence Cycle Dvocikel
> Artists-in Residence Layer
> Art Exhibitions Program
> Layer Publishing and Writers-in-Residence
> and all those little events happening when you are around just by chance sipping your coffee or beer. Interested in more?
Carnica Institute strives for social and environmental responsibility and justice. We offer our clients full design production of events including the plant-based catering. Our food department hears by the name veni Vegi vici.
Od leta 2010 Carnica upravlja z Layerjevo hišo, kulturnim centrom v Kranju, od leta 2019 upravlja otroški kulturni center Stolp Pungert in že več let soupravlja Stolp Škrlovec s Prešernovim gledališčem Kranj. Carnica ima 8 zaposlenih in več kot 20 stalnih zunanjih sodelavcev.
Zavod Carnica sproža urbane spremembe v Kranju in njegovem starem mestnem jedru ter sodeluje v številnimih kulturnih, civilnih in urbanih projekti prenove. Zaradi prizadevanj Carnice je Kranj postal mesto umetniških festivalov. Carnica je producent umetniških in glasbenih projektov in festivalov:
> BIEN, bienale tekstilne umetnosti
> KAOS, festival sodobnega kolaža
> Pianopolis, koncert za mesto in klavir
> Dvocikel, cikel glasbenih rezidenc
> Umetniške rezidence Layer
> Umetniški razstavni program
> Layerjeva založba in literarne rezidence
> in dogodkov manjšega obsega, ki jih ob srkanju kave ali piva ujemete slučajno. Vas zanima več?
Zavod Carnica stremi k družbeni in okoljski odgovornosti in pravičnosti. Naročnikom nudimo celostno organizacijo dogodkov, ki med drugim zajema tudi oskrbo z rastlinsko hrano in pijačo. Prehranski odvod zavoda je kuhinja veni Vegi vici.
Carnica Institute has been in the past or still is today cooperating with several cultural, educational and social institutions and companies:
Prešeren Theatre Kranj, Fine Art Society Kranj, Open Drawers, SubArt Association, Gallery of Prešeren Laureats, PianoRoom, BSC Kranj, Center for Rural Development Kranj, O Institute, Krice Krace, Cultural Association Figura, Kèleke shop, Architectural association KRARH, TAM-TAM Institute, Gorenjska Museum, Tourism and Culture Board Kranj, Cabinet of the inventor Puhar, Kovačnica coworking center Kranj, Moonlee Records, Gallery P74, Puppet Theatre Ljubljana, Flamma Art Studio, Tri Institute, Independent theatre Nebo, Intermunicipal Society of the Blind and Visually Impaired Kranj, Intermunicipal Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing from the Gorenjska Region, Cultural Association Kiks, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering – Textile and fashion design, Faculty of Design, ALUO Sculpture Department, VIST Photography Department, University of Nova Gorica, GO2025! EU Capital of Culture 2025, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Kreativnice Škofja Loka, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Radio Kranj, Gorenjski Glas, Municipality of Kranj and
with many self-employed and unemployed artists and cultural workers.
And with YOU.
Carnica je ali še vedno sodeluje z različnimi kulturnimi, izobraževalnimi in socialnimi ustanovami ter podjetji:
Prešernovo gledališče Kranj, Likovno društvo Kranj, Odprti predali, Društvo SubArt, Galerija prešernovih nagrajencev, PianoRoom, BSC Kranj, Center za razvoj podeželja Kranj, Zavod O, Krice Krace, KD Figura, trgovina Kèleke, KRARH Arhitekti, TAM-TAM Inštitut, Gorenjski muzej, Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj, Kabinet izumitelja Puharja, Kovačnica, Založba Moonlee, Galerija P74, Lutkovno gledališča Ljubljana, Flamma Art Studio, Zavod Tri, Gledališče Nebo, Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Gorenjske, Medobčinsko društvo gluhih in naglušnih Gorenjske, KUD Kiks, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstil in oblačila, Fakulteta za dizajn, ALUO, oddelek za kiparstvo, VIST Fotografija, Univerza v Novi Gorici, GO2025! Evropska prestolnica kulture 2025, Zavod za varstvo narave RS, Kreativnice Škofja Loka, Zavod za gradbeništvo RS, Radio Kranj, Gorenjski Glas, Mestna občina Kranj in
s številnimi samozaposleni in nezaposleni umetniki_cami in kulturnimi delavci_kami.
In z VAMI.
Together with partners, artists and cultural workers Carnica envisions an international cultural hub, an artist community. Carnica has developed a sustainable and repeatable business model for managing cultural heritage sites, the fact acknowledged by a research conducted within the Interreg project Forget Heritage (2016-2019).
We hear and give initiatives.
We welcome art and nurture public space.
We care for humans and non-humans.
Selman Čorović
general manager
Zala Orel
art director
Carnica skupaj s partnerji, umetniki in kulturnimi delavci sooblikuje mednarodno kulturno središče in umetniško skupnost. Razvila je trajnostni in ponovljivi poslovni model za upravljanje območij kulturne dediščine, kar je priznala tudi raziskava, izvedena v okviru Interreg projekta Forget Heritage (2016-2019).
Slišimo in dajemo iniciative.
Pozdravljamo umetnost in negujemo javni prostor.
Skrbimo za človeška in nečloveška bitja.
Selman Čorović
Zala Orel
umetniška vodja
Photographs / Fotografije: Maša Pirc, Ksaver Šinkar, Taja Košir Popovič, Uroš Frelih, Janez Pelko